I was surprised of the silence from protest when the news of Adam Lambert were allowed to staged his Concert here and which now is over.You know??
There was no upper hand news of protest, no headlines in newspaper and importantly the big commotion of HO-HA from who else. Introduce no more. PAS Youth chief Nasrudin Hassan and PAS Youth exco member Mohd Firdaus Jaafar, who is also the Jerai MP. Earlier in the week, PAS had objected to the performance claiming that Lambert’s shows advocated homosexuality.
Malaysian authorities have given the green light to Lambert's show on Thursday in the capital Kuala Lumpur, part of his Glam Nation tour, despite objections from the conservative Pan-Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS).
"Lambert is morally unfit. His gay lifestyle will harm our society. He is of bad, bad character and poses a danger to young Malaysians," said PAS youth chief Nasrudin Hassan.
"We want the government to cancel the permit. The country is battling a serious problem of moral decay. We are experiencing rising social violence and crime," he told AFP.
Bodoh. Kalaulah setakat ini jadi punca runtuhnya akhlak remaja Malaysia adalah salah. Semuanya bermula dari pendidikan di rumah. Jika seseorang itu menerima pendidikan keluarga yang kukuh maka usahlah takut akan terjebak ke dalam masalah sosial. Dia sendiri akan tahu memilih atau membuat keputusan yang baik untuk dirinya. Seseorang yang pemikiran logik dan matang tahu bahawa tidak akan dia cium kaum sejenis dengan hanya melihat Adam Lambert sahaja.
Wahai kawanku, bagaimana kita ingin maju jika segala keruntuhan akhlak remaja dipersalahkan ke atas pihak lain? Bukankah itu sebagai alasan untuk tidak merenung diri sendiri dahulu? Patutlah kawanku sekalian tidak dapat bersaing dalam negara sendiri apatah lagi kalau di luar.
He makes himself to be seen more wiser men by further saying;
So they led a protest outside of his concert before the start of it and distribute flyers depicting Lambert as “wild, lewd and extreme.” for the bold word on the top while the bottom on the right writes "Lets preserve our morale." Pardon moi..??
"Adam Lambert is an American artist who has become a gay icon. This is proven with man and man kissing on stage, a culture which should be rejected by Malaysians," he added.
The 28-year-old star created controversy with his performances, including at the American Music Awards where he simulated a sex act on stage and kissed a male keyboard player. Videos of Lambert kissing his male musician at many of his shows are widely available on the Internet
You have ridiculously states the reason of his unfit. I guess you would have find 1001 excuses for anything for the future. See the list of who have they protested before.
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