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Too start L.O.V.E is about the recipe to follow.

Question to ask. Are you in a relationship? What can we do to keep the love?

-How do you communicate what you want and what you do not want?
-What is your language of love? How do you speak it?

-What can you do to keep the love?

This article is firstly posted at my blog xiaowei. Then i thought why i waste it as there are no readers to comment it. So i decided to re-post this article of advice in here to serve you readers some consultation. Anyway is free you know.. but if you want to pay me and generous/kingdly enough, i can give you my bank account number, location of my home address or if not give me yours so i can come to collect from you as my ang pows.. hahaha. Le me know what you think.

Okay, back to the point.

Well before even stepping a bolder step AS ABOVE, ask yourself i.e are you committed in it.

There are advice given by the people to consider yourself. Don't GO to relationship when you know you can't. By forcing it or wanting it resulting from pressure of friends will not help.

There are 8 simple rules that i have always want to tell you all when dating for relationship>>>
(p/s-is only general rule, don't come to me and say look is this person who told me to do it. I don't want to get killed you know.) kekeke

Rule#1 : Don't date if you're not ready.

Hold off till you're emotionally mature and financially able to enter into a committed relationship and discern marriage. When you know you have a lot of things to take care in your life then don't do it. Not taking care of your own life properly shows a lack of responsibility in yourself and even to your partner also.

Rule#2 : Don't date for experience
Rule#3 : Prepare yourself

Do not become preoccupied looking for a life partner. Singleness is not a curse!!! Learn to love generously and unselfishly towards people.

Rule#4 : Build friendship first

Don't rush. Don't date someone on the rebound. Take a good look at why he/she broke up from a previous relationships. If the person is a two-timer or jumped from one relationship to another because " I don't feel anything anymore", you are asking yourself a trouble. Many want to play the romanticized role of the hero who rehabilitates the guy or girl but they end up getting hurt in the end.

Friendship take time and are built in common values and interests. Expression of feeling should remain on the level of kindness and consideration i.e rather saying I LOVE YOU first time, use I LIKE YOU instead.

Rule#5 : Seek Advice from the novice
Rule#6 : Avoid over dating

Generally 3 or 4 meetings in a week and a phone call every other day is fine but don't do it too excessive i.e 10 times call a day
Dropping half your life so you can be with a person every night of the week is a sign of co-dependency. Balance your life or the relationship will get smothering and stale.

Rule#7 : Draw physical parameter

Always respect yourself and set high standards.
Don't ever submit to something that you're not comfortable with and even you are not. If he pressures you, he doesn't respect you; he's not interested in you but your body.

There's an old saying that men trade sex for love. Once the guys hit the jackpot, be ready to become yesterday chewing gum. This is already like a normal course for people like us.
We are like a cuisine to some people who are interested in lust especially young gays who are the victims. Its true.

Rule#8 : Aim for a 2-year courtship

Don't rush marriage because of the biological clock or because the baby is on the way( if it is applicable to you).
Sociologist find that divorce rates are the lowest for those who marry for the first time at the age of 28 or later. Smart people don't assume that they are a special case to the general rule.

Well i think the above rule does not really applicable to us ( if you are straight then is 'k). Aren't they? Kekeke.. change a bit. If you guys want to move in together then. hahahaa...

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